Canadian Seedbanks
True North Seed Bank
True North Seedbank is a trusted international suppliers of top quality cannabis seeds based in Canada.They only believe in selling 100% fresh marijuana seeds.True North Team have personally selected a near limitless supply of the world's finest cannabis seeds created by the most elite weed seed breeders on the planet.You can purchase seeds easily online, call them 7 days a week, or order offline using a downloadable order form.…
Vancouver Seed Bank
Vancouver Seed Bank sells marijuana seeds worldwide, over 400 kyndes to choose from originating from good seed banks and local growers.They get some pretty good stock, walk into the store front with toker’s lounge (Vancouver, BC) or order online.Methods of payment include credit card, cash and money order.Prices are competitive, contact is clear, online chat room to help you grow your best marijuana.If you purchased seeds from this seedbank, please comment below.…
Toronto 420 Seed Bank
A very personable website, must sign up, nice forums. Good selection of seeds.Cool email money transfer payments. Quick shipping.Social co-op club.…
Single Marijuana Seeds Canada
Order single marijuana seeds, daily special deals, quantity available.Humongous inventory selections.Regular marijuana seeds, feminized and autoflower genetics.Fun site to surf.10% off for Facebook friends and likes.Bought seeds from this seedbank? Please comment below.…
MJ Seeds Canada
MJ Seeds Canada has been around since 2009 out of the city of Vancouver, Canada.Great 10 free seeds offer. Super selections, fabulous price ranges to fit into everyone’s needs.Great website to navigate. Numerous payment options.One of the best communicating companies out there.Have you purchased your seeds from MJ Seeds Canada? Please share your experience below.…
Kind Seed Co.
Kind Seed Co. and Urban Organix.In the business of selling marijuana seeds for over a decade now.Offer guaranteed authentic Canadian marijuana seeds with guaranteed delivery, however guaranteed delivery is tough to pull off.Kind Seed also carry European cannabis seeds. Offer the new auto-flower genetics. Very large selection of product.They sell marijuana books to help you grow the best you can. Special deals are available. Fantastic photos of the buds to view online. Many kinds of harvesting techniques are illustrated.Have you got seeds from Kind Seed Co.? Share your exper…
Hemp Depot
Hemp Depot have been in the seed business since 1996 and been very steady.Super nice photographs of marijuana with exquisite crystal shots.Cannabis seeds are sold as souvenirs, no germination guarantee and lots of fun named strains to choose from.Professionally designed website, easy to navigate.New arrivals advertised and seed specials to explore.Run the business out of Nepean, Ontario.Credit cards are not accepted, mail order business.Ever purchased from Hemp Depot? Please share your experience below.…
BC Bud Depot
A wide variety of marijuana to choose from, new strains every year. Pretty good at contact. Prices around 30.00US to 150.00US respectively for 10 to 12 BC bud seeds. Boosts Cannabis Cup winning types of marijuana seeds. Advertised in High Times. These guys have been around BC bud seeds for years.If you purchased cannabis seeds from BC Bud Depot, please share your experience in comments below.…
AB Seeds
Only a few strains, as Ontario’s Choice (haze x northern lights) and President’s Choice (early pearl). Offer MSN Messenger contact. Retail out of Montreal, Quebec. Prices around 30.00US and 50.00US respectively for 10 to 12 seeds. Offer a good dreamkit for growing.Mail order seeds only.FREE Shipping all around the world.Have you bought seeds from A-B-Seeds? Share your experience below!…
Canadian Seed Exchange
Official retail outlet for many breeders, numerous strains to choose from. Carries medical quality cannabis seeds for sale.Special deals available, check for updates. Simple growing information.Cash and money order payments.Shipping to Canada only.Have you bought seeds from Canadian Seed Exchange? Share your experience below!…