Readers Questions
Ask Greenman: “White Flies Infesting My Plants”
Chancelot Asks: "Just experimenting but planted 6 seeds in outdoor small starter pots. Way late in season but all came up healthy. My very first time and I am trying to learn by watching closely. At 36 days all into 6th nodes I noticed white flies and larva. So I used a recommended organic pesticide which they did not like. So I lost two plants. The remaining four are trying so hard to grow but they are stressed. Plus they needed re-potting so I thought as leaves were stretching beyond perimeter of pot. So I re-potted only to find the root systems was not as expanded as I thought. Still …
Ask Greenman: “My Leaves are Turning Yellow”
ChronicChippster Asks: "I have a dwarf growing in a hydro setup but it has a deficiency; the leaves are turning yellow. I think it may be the PH levels but all info and help is grateful". The Greenman: It is most likely your PH levels that are causing the yellowing of your leaves. A level of 5.8-6.0 should be what you are looking for in a hydro grow.You mentioned to us that you have a hydro set-up. Try using only filtered water in the system once a week. For example, use fresh water and fresh nutrients from Monday-Saturday and then use water only on the Sunday.…
Brown Spots on Leaves of the Plant
Jody Asks: "My healthy green stocks are turning brown almost like a scab and the branches are disconnecting from the stem I’ve been doing this a lot never have seen this! Otherwise the leaves are and bud are okay but seems deficient in something!"It sounds like your plant may have a Manganese deficiency. This can be easily diagnosed from the brown, scab like spots on the leaves.Manganese deficiencies are often caused due to PH levels that are too high. Try and correct the PH level in the soil to around 6.0l. You must avoid anything higher.I hope this helps.…
Growing Marijuana With Other Plants
Michael writes: For the plants mood and well being its a real good idea, to grow your weed with other plants at the same time?The plants is after all used to living in the forest. Growing marijuana around other plants will just make it happier.Rosemary - tried and they are easily accepted by the weed plants. Try also salvias, a small palm or a bonsai tree.Moss (difficult without a electric humidor) or grass is perfect for soil that supports the plants aura/mood.This will help a lot on you're grow even if they don't share soil/pot.Plants talk. Happier hemp better weed.…
Watering Marijuana
Jack asks "Can I run soft water after I run it through a 3 stage filter? Does the three filter system remove the salt from the soft water softener? I'm on a well and do not have chlorine."Great to hear from you, use a digital EC tester for measuring salt content. EC measures the level of fertilizer salts in the water. Most marijuana strains are happiest when grown at an EC of between 1.5 and 1.8.…
High CBD Strains
Jeanette inquires "I am looking to buy some very high CBD strain seeds such as Charlotte's web or Avedical. Do you carry any very high CBD strains?"CBD strains of marijuana are becoming popular in the medical community. CBD strains generally don't get you as high as THC bred strains but are great for medical purposes. CBD can increase or decrease the effects of THC kyndes. Check out some High CBD Strains.…