Spanish Seedbanks
Advanced Seeds
Advanced Seeds have made a name for themselves by taking a truly organic approach to every stage of their farming process. Only natural insecticides and fertilizers are permitted to ensure a completely unadulterated end product.The integrity of their genetics is guaranteed by the strict isolation of each variety.Feminized genetics are ensured by a secret in house method that avoids genetic manipulation and potential disruption to other characteristics.Rare strains available today include Black Diesel, Haze Mist and the automatic varieties Low Girl and Heavy Bud. For detailed descriptio…
Norden Seeds
The name Norden Seeds hints that these breeders originate from northern latitudes. Indeed, this group of cannabis growers have recently left their Swedish homeland to pursue their dreams in the emerging cannabis centre of Spain.True to their habitat, their aim has been to develop varieties than can thrive in harsh, cold climates. The knowledge they've amassed over the years means they can now offer an unprecedented selection of seeds to suit the most inhospitable environments.Quality of these seeds is assured by frequent germination testing so growers in chillier areas should have utte…
Mandala Seeds
Mike and Jasmin, founders of Mandala Seeds, share 40 years experience in cannabis cultivation, breeding and collecting heirloom strains. Their breeding projects are a result of both their knowledge of horticulture and their extensive travels during which they gathered a repository of landrace and rare hybrid genetics. This set them up to pioneer revolutionary breeding and seed production methods which have since been adopted worldwide.Today, Mandala Seeds are renowned for their phenomenal growth and top shelf marijuana, all at an affordable price. Their dedication doesn't stop here; this s…
Mamut Seeds
Makka Seeds
Makka Seeds nace como empresa después de más de 25 años de busqueda y recolección, de la colaboración y larga investigación de las inquietudes de un equipo de personas de distintas nacionalidades, pero con un mismo espíritu. Este es el caso de nuestro amigo y colaborador Stitch, desarrollador y colaborador en la creación de las variedades automaticas y creador de las nuevas variedades Super Autos (Stitch es un reconocido experto en la creación de variedades de automáticas y nos ofrece sus mejores selecciones originales), también contamos con el genial y reconocido diseñador Rosenfe…
Pepita Seeds
Pepita Seeds es un banco de semillas especializado en la selección y conservación de nuevas líneas feminizadas de cannabis de alta calidad. Partiendo de una selecta colección de genéticas cannábicas.…
Fast Buds
Fast buds spent many fruitful years working closely with some of the greatest growers on the West Coast, the results of which will forever belong to Cali. Thankfully for us Europeans, these guys decided in 2010 to bring their fantastic genetics across to Spain in the form of cannabis seeds due to the restrictive legislative frameworks in place in California.Fastbuds have swept themselves the forefront of of the seed industry by introducing people to the most fashionable and trendy autoflowering genetics. This is no mean feat, and has been achieved by using Canadian Ruderalis to develop aut…
Expert Seeds
Expert Seeds originated from a project encompassing breeders from across Europe. This wide knowledge came together very nicely alongside their mutual love and passion for cannabis.After decades passed, they decided to join forces under one roof and operate under the name we know today, with a focus on selective breeding of the world's most renowned strains. Award winning genetics are taken and, under their expertise, are improved in a number of important ways. They strive to enhance THC and CBD balances, medicinal effectiveness, visual characteristics, aroma, taste and potency. An all orga…
Hero Seeds
Así nace Khalada Cómics. Una atrevida editorial valenciana cuya vocación es la de ampliar el mercado de la historieta y expandirse por territorios hasta ahora sin explorar. Para ello, además de mantener nuestra presencia a través de los canales habituales de distribución, como son las librerías especializadas y grandes superficies de ocio, también abriremos nuevas vías como la de los grow shops. Nuestras publicaciones se dirigen a todo tipo de lectores, aunque buscamos fundamentalmente un público adulto, formado y con ganas de disfrutar de la lectura. Queremos atraer tanto a …
Gualuka Seminoteca