Standard Operating Procedures – The 11 Laws of Growing Cannabis
Successful cultivation requires plenty of knowledge, patience and practice. Here at Greenmans Page, we offer support and advice for growers of all experience levels. This article talks about 11 key components for a successful cannabis grow, including LED lighting, nutrients, quality control and more.
1. Genetic profiles are THE prime determining factors of quality & production factors.
2. Light is the critical primary input. Wide spectrum lighting is better. New advances with induction lighting may be significant.
3. Environment plays a huge part: proper temperature & humidity plus adequate air flow.
4. Healthy plants are insect & disease free. Greenhouse controls.
5. CO2 enrichment = larger yields. Adequate ventilation/humidity control (see #3).
6. Increased root space produces larger yields.
7. Water is a primary driving force. Lack of water will reduce plant vigour.
8. Sufficient food with proper micronutrients is absolutely essential.
9. Clean, organized work flow is highly advantageous.
10. Keeping notes on a calendar is usually a good idea.
11. Quality and Cleanliness are your most important assets.
The most successful “technique” is a combination of factors. Setting up the right environment from the ground up is important. Your design will vary according to location. This describes a place that was built from day one to be environmentally controlled and CO2 enriched. Each of these seven areas need to be addressed to get the most out of your garden. It will make a huge difference.
A. Planning – Design Overall layout. Planting cycles. Where services come in and where waste goes out. Access. Security.
B. Ventilation – critical system: exhaust fans, intake fans, A/C control loops for summer/winter temperatures. Fans for circulation.
C. Construction – the main building, set-up & installation through to finishing – including SEALING the room to retain as much CO2 as possible.
D. Wiring & plumbing – for all lights & systems (up to code – no floods – no fires)
E. CO2 system – natural gas or propane burners w/ fire alarm system. Small propane tanks are an expensive pain in the neck.
F. Controls – temperature, humidity and CO2 controls. Keeping the environment enriched during majority of light cycle.
G. Operations – additional feeding, watering & tending required. Tuning of systems.
In this photo the large cannabis plants all sit on a “tables” which used a reservoir filled with water & nutrients and feed tubes to let the plants drink through the day. At the end of the day any excess was drained off the tables. The plants consumed HUGE amounts of water. I would then feed them the next when they had dried out again. Refilling the reservoir with plain water ensured each plant could drink as much as she wanted without increasing nutrients through the week.
It was also a fairly lazy way to water AND to make SURE that they had all the water & nutrients needed. I was constantly amazed at the uptake ratios compared to any previous garden. Using enriched CO2 in the air, the plants drank three times as much water as “normal”. According to research, the plants are using the extra water more efficiently. In combination with the nutrient uptake, the plants are able to convert these to plant sugars in conjunction with the increased CO2. This is what causes the increase in size and vigor.
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Good info and reminders.